Friday, March 5, 2021

September 2020 Minutes

As Offered for Adoption March 12, 2021

Annual Meeting of the Membership

of the

Nevada Judicial Historical Society Friday, September 11, 2020

Carson City, Nevada 

Held virtually via ZOOM

Members in attendance:  Justice Mark Gibbons, Peter Smith, Jim Smith, Jason Sowards, Patricia Cafferata, Hon. William Maddox, Terry Rankin, Justice Elissa Cadish, Susan Southwick, Jeff Kintop, Hon. Thomas Perkins, Karen Garaventa Baggett

Call to order at 12:05 p.m. – Peter J. Smith,  Chairman; a quorum of the membership was present

Approval of Minutes of Annual Meeting of September 6, 2019, as emailed

Motion to approve by Gibbons; seconded by Maddox; all in favor

Treasurer’s Report – Peter Smith on behalf of former Treasurer Janette Bloom

Motion to approve by Kintop; seconded by Cafferata; all in favor

Presentation of Annual Report for 2020 – Peter J. Smith, Chairman

Distributed for review, other than changing of officers. No business occurred in March because meeting was canceled due to COVID.

Project Progress Reports

Oral histories: printing/binding/reformatting of those on-line 

Sowards will check the minutes (likely within the last three years, motion likely made by Perkins) to identify who is to receive the printed oral histories.

Ten Cases exhibit – Jeff Kintop

There has not much movement on this project because of changes in administration, retirements of contacts, and limited access to the Capitol because of the COVID pandemic. Rankin noted that, despite so many major events having been canceled, some smaller events are still occurring, and the Ten Cases exhibit might be an option. It was also suggested Kintop write a brief article for the Nevada Appeal promoting the existence of the exhibit, even though no one can currently visit it in person.

Rankin mentioned how timely some of the early cases are now in light of recent world events. 

Sowards recommended a virtual exhibit to be hosted on the Nevada Supreme Court Library’s LibGuides platform to better promote the Ten Cases; could result in promotion by the Nevada Supreme Court’s public relations firm for broad distribution. Sowards will follow up with Kintop to acquire the Ten Cases content for transition to an online environment. 

Nomination of further interview subjects

Peter Smith reminded that there was already a lengthy list of proposed interview subjects circulated for past meetings. 

Discussion of hiring professional facilitators

Kintop has communicated with Alicia Barber who was willing to train people to do these interviews. Still need other assistance with transcriptions and editing.

Baggett expressed an interest in being trained to conduct oral history interviews.

Election of Trustees

Sowards distributed ballots via email in advance of the meeting for Trustee terms that were ending September 2020.

Most Trustees whose terms were set to expire in September 2020 agreed to run for a second three-year term. Southwick’s term expired and Peter Smith volunteered to take that vacant position. Justice Cadish was elected to fill Justice Gibbon’s position as the Supreme Court representative. Another vacant position remained and Cafferata nominated Judge Gloria Sturman of the Eighth Judicial District in Las Vegas for that position. She has both an interest and Nevada legal history as well as some geographical diversity to the Board. After brief discussion about Judge Sturman, Cafferata formally moved to add her to the ballot; Gibbons seconded. All in favor.

Based on completed ballots submitted in advance of the meeting, and the oral vote taken at the meeting for those who could not submit their ballot, all Trustees were elected for a term ending September 2023 without objection.

It was noted that the Society would offer Justice Gibbons and emeritus membership status. 

New Business

Cafferata recommended for inclusion on the March 2021 agenda that we invite all sitting judges to become members of the Society. If we choose to pursue this initiative, Justice Gibbons recommends using lists of judges already kept by the Administrative Office of the Courts. Recommendation that any contact occur after the forthcoming election.

Adjournment of Board of Trustees’ meeting

Motion to adjourn by Cafferata; seconded by Gibbons; all in favor

Adjourned 12:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jason R. Sowards

Secretary, Nevada Judicial Historical Society

Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees

of the

Nevada Judicial Historical Society Friday, September 11, 2020 

Carson City, Nevada

Held virtually via ZOOM

Members in attendance:  Justice Mark Gibbons, Peter Smith, Jim Smith, Jason Sowards, Patricia Cafferata, Hon. William Maddox, Terry Rankin, Justice Elissa Cadish, Susan Southwick, Jeff Kintop, Hon. Thomas Perkins, Karen Garaventa Baggett

Call to order at 12:40 p.m. – Peter J. Smith, Chairman; a quorum of Trustees was present

Minutes of the Board of Trustees meeting of March 20, 2020

While there was not a Trustees meeting on March 20, 2020, as it was canceled due to the COVID pandemic, as a point of order Justice Cadish recommended that the minutes of the previous Board meeting (September 2019) be approved by the Board.

Cafferata moved to approve those minutes; Gibbons seconded; all in favor

March and September 2021 meeting dates

March Board of Trustees Meeting – March 12, 2021

September Board of Trustees and Membership Meeting – September 10, 2021

Sowards will send invites to participate virtually in case in-person meetings are still not an option

Nomination and Election of Officers

Sowards distributed ballots electronically prior to the meeting, listing Kintop as candidate for Chair/President, Rankin as Vice Chair/Vice President, and Jason R. Sowards to continue as Secretary. The position of Treasurer became vacant with the Janette Bloom’s resignation.

A motion was made by the Hon. Thomas Perkins to nominate Karen Garaventa Baggett to serve as Treasurer, and Cafferata seconded the motion. All were in favor and Baggett was added to the ballot.

Based on completed ballots submitted in advance of the meeting and the oral vote taken at the meeting for those who could not submit their ballot, all officers were elected for a term ending September 2023 without any objections.

At this point, Peter Smith virtually passed the gavel to Jeff Kintop as the Society’s next Chair/President.

New Business

Peter Smith also recommended further discussion on handling our current inventory of silver medallions, recommending Project Real as a nonprofit with which to partner. Rankin also recommended “We the People” program (currently operated by the Nevada Center for Civic Engagement), with which Justice Cadish is actively involved. Peter Smith asks that board members think of other worthy organizations for the March 2021 meeting. 

Cafferata mentioned the Russ McDonald Papers with the Historical Society as a project we should consider further. 

It was further recommended that we look at the early Supreme Court records currently held at the Nevada State Library & Archives as the foundation of future projects. 


Thanks were made by Justice Gibbons and Jeff Kintop to Peter Smith for his service as Chair/President over the past several years. 

Peter Smith moved to adjourn; Cafferata seconded; all in favor

Meeting adjourned at 1:02 p.m.

Jason R. Sowards

Secretary, Nevada Judicial Historical Society

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