Minutes of the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Membership
The Nevada Judicial Historical Society
September 21, 2018
Red’s 395 Grill
Carson City, Nevada
The meeting was called to order by Vice Chairman Jeff Kintop at 12:46 pm. Present were paid members Jeff Kintop, Jason Sowards, Susan Southwick, Janette Bloom, Terry Rankin, Dennis Myers, Clinton Case, Patricia Cafferata, Don Klasic, Karen Baggett, Justice Mark Gibbons, and Bill Maddox. A quorum was met. Also in attendance were Susan Southwick’s husband, and Jeff Kintop’s wife.
II. Approval of Minutes of September 15, 2017, as mailed
Justice Mark Gibbons moved to approve the minutes of the September 15, 2017 annual membership meeting, Susan Southwick seconded. All in favor.
III. Treasurer’s Report- Janette Bloom, Treasurer
Copies of the Treasurer’s report were available at the meeting, with finances current through December 31, 2017.
Money was spent with Judge Fondi’s plaque as well as the printing of a few oral histories. Two medallions were sold. Someone asked how many medallions the Society still has, but no definitive count was provided.
The question of dues notices came up, but they had not yet been distributed. The Secretary did not realize it was his responsibility to send those out, but stated he would do so. Some members chose to pay at the meeting.
Dennis Myers moved to accept; Karen Baggett seconded. All in favor to approve the Treasurer’s report.
IV. Presentation of Annual Report for 2018 – Vice Chairman Jeffrey Kintop for Chairman Peter Smith
Jeff Kintop read Peter Smith’s report, copies of which were available at the meeting. The one blank existing on the report were the number of paid memberships to date as confirmed by the Treasurer’s report, and that number was stated to be twelve (12) paid memberships.
The projects discussed were:
Joint Oral History Project
10 Cases Exhibit
Website and Blog
The annual report noted that a trustee seat need would need to be filled as the seat vacated by Christine Timko that was later filled by Teresa Rankin by appointment, would become vacant in September 2018. The annual report noted that this term would run through 2020, but Susan Southwick recalled that the Society’s bylaws state that trustee terms are for three years and are supposed to be staggered. As such, this would make the term for this trustee seat to run through 2021, not 2020.
A motion was made by Dennis Myers to accept the annual report (with typographical errors and other changes to be made later); Patricia Cafferata seconded. All in favor.
V. Project Progress Reports
A. Oral Histories
Peter has a concern, expressed by Terry Rankin, that we have missed a generation of judges and that we do not have a list to start another round of histories. He thought some of the Justices of the Peace might also be worthy of consideration for a history. The thought is that we do not have anyone “current” to pursue for future histories.
The person at UNR who took care of the oral histories, Alicia Barber, is no longer with the University. Her expertise would be beneficial in training others to complete oral histories as they are very complicated to do. Jeff Kintop mentioned he knew how to contact Barber and he would reach out to her.
It was suggested that we work with Brad Williams, Director of the Ninth Circuit Judicial Historical Society. He has done oral histories as well, and we may be able to make use of some his contacts and resources.
Discussion of whether a history had been completed for Judge Bybee.
It was agreed that we need a new list of judges to pursue and names should be suggested to Peter. The goal was for each member to submit three names of possible interviews to Peter by November 1, 2018.
Motion to submit up to five names for future oral histories to Peter Smith by November 1, 2018 was made by Karen Baggett; Clinton Case seconded. All in favor.
Janette Bloom stated Victoria Mendoza says she has made progress on Judge Mendoza’s history.
B. Ten Cases Exhibit
Jeff stated that late October or early November for an event at which the Governor would attend. He would look into the Governor’s availability.
C. Nomination of Further Interview Subjects
This was addressed as part of the oral history discussion.
D. Discussion of Hiring Professional Facilitators
Jeff plans to talk to Brad Williams and Alicia Barber about this.
VI. Election of Trustees
Susan Southwick nominated Teresa Rankin to serve as Trustee through 2021; Janette Bloom seconded. All in favor.
VII. New Business
The only new business that was announced was the selection a date for the March 2019 Board of Directors meeting. The date and time will be March 22, 2019 (a Friday).
VIII. Adjournment
The meeting of the membership adjourned at 1:17 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Jason R. Sowards
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