(DRAFT, unsigned)
Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Membership and Board of Trustees
of the
Nevada Judicial Historical Society
September 16, 2011
Carson City, Nevada
The meeting was called to order at Sassafras Restaurant at 12:25 by Chairman Michael Fondi.
Present were Ron James, Vice-Chair, Janette Bloom, Treasurer, Susan Southwick, Secretary and trustees Dennis Myers, Donald Klasic, Peter Smith, Patricia Cafferata, Jeff Kintop, Justice Mark Gibbons, and Jim Smith. Also present were members Tom Perkins, Christine Timko and Terry Rankin. Don Southwick attended as a guest. A quorum was present of both the membership and the Board of Trustees.
The minutes of the annual meeting of September 24, 2010 were approved as mailed. Gibbons/P.Smith.
The minutes of the Board meeting of March 18, 2011 were approved as mailed. Gibbons/P.Smith.
Treasurer Janette Bloom presented the fiscal year report, indicating that there was income of $750 and expenditures of $25.00 to date, with a balance of $5,521.94. The report was approved. Klasic/P.Smith.
Michael Fondi reviewed the annual report for 2011. Highlights were the blog, the Elko plaque ceremony and the election of two new trustees.
Susan Southwick, representing the nominating committee, explained that trustee Ron James chose not to run for an additional term and that trustee Wendell Turner was deceased. The Honorable Thomas Perkins, East Fork Township Justice of the Peace, was elected to fill Judge Turner’s position and Patricia Cafferata, to fill that of Ron James. The remaining candidates were incumbents and were re-confirmed for another three years in office.
Justice Gibbons announced that the Lincoln County plaque ceremony will be held in Panaca immediately following oral arguments of the Northern Panel of the Nevada Supreme Court on October 11. The Court has sent invitations of all local officials and the presentation will be made to the Lincoln County Commission at about 11:30 a.m. Susan Southwick said she would attend and represent the Society if Peter Smith was unable to do so. Patricia Cafferata said she would attend, also.
The plaque is in honor of Judge Berry, whose tenure preceded any actual courthouse, so the Commission will decide where best to place it.
Peter Smith then discussed the updated web page, which is part of the Supreme Court’s site, and the participation of Law Librarian Christine Timko and IT staffer Derek Hawkins in setting it up and establishing links. Ms. Timko also assisted in establishing the blog, which was created outside the Court’s aegis, and is intended to provide up-to-date information about Society events. He requested Board guidelines for adding material and for the blog’s management. Ms. Timko said she could make any additions or changes to the web page that were referred to her. After some general discussion, Mrs. Southwick recommended that the original committee of Peter Smith, Karen Baggett and herself take responsibility for the blog’s content and sharing the burdens of up-keep. The committee would also make recommendations for updates to the web site. Membership was urged to submit content and links suggestions to the committee for Society
Mr. Smith said he had already asked the Clark, Washoe and State Bars to link to the blog from their newsletters. Jeff Kintop noted that his agency had digitized the Territorial Supreme Court opinions and the case files of the Nevada Supreme Court to about 1900. He said he was still trying to develop a good means of searching them and that they were not accessible on line. Ms. Timko said a member of the Administrative Office of the Courts was making an original compilation of information on Nevada courts which could eventually be linked to the NJHS site when completed. Patricia Cafferata suggested a link to the Nevada On-Line Encyclopedia as a good source of judicial information, noting that she has an article on the Territorial justices there.
Under new business, Jim Smith passed around the self-published volume on Harry Claiborne by Bruce Alverson. The Society facilitated Mr. Alverson’s contact with Judge Claiborne, but the publication was not part of the Joint Oral History Project. He also noted a book review of another Claiborne title which appears in Nevada in the West: a magazine of popular history.
In answer to a query whether any of the medallions had been sold at face value, Justice Gibbons noted that the trigger price was $50/oz., and silver never quite reached that level.
Chairman Fondi suggested either September 14 or 21, 2012 for next annual meeting and the 14th was chosen. It was agreed that Sassafras was a good location if it could be arranged.
The meeting of the membership was adjourned at 1:40 and the chairman convened the meeting of the Board of Trustees.
The only item was election of the offices of chairman, treasurer and vice-chairman. Chairman Fondi and Treasurer Bloom were re-confirmed in office and Jeff Kintop was elected Vice-Chair by unanimous vote.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
___unsigned ___________
Susan Southwick, Secretary
Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Membership and Board of Trustees
of the
Nevada Judicial Historical Society
September 16, 2011
Carson City, Nevada
The meeting was called to order at Sassafras Restaurant at 12:25 by Chairman Michael Fondi.
Present were Ron James, Vice-Chair, Janette Bloom, Treasurer, Susan Southwick, Secretary and trustees Dennis Myers, Donald Klasic, Peter Smith, Patricia Cafferata, Jeff Kintop, Justice Mark Gibbons, and Jim Smith. Also present were members Tom Perkins, Christine Timko and Terry Rankin. Don Southwick attended as a guest. A quorum was present of both the membership and the Board of Trustees.
The minutes of the annual meeting of September 24, 2010 were approved as mailed. Gibbons/P.Smith.
The minutes of the Board meeting of March 18, 2011 were approved as mailed. Gibbons/P.Smith.
Treasurer Janette Bloom presented the fiscal year report, indicating that there was income of $750 and expenditures of $25.00 to date, with a balance of $5,521.94. The report was approved. Klasic/P.Smith.
Michael Fondi reviewed the annual report for 2011. Highlights were the blog, the Elko plaque ceremony and the election of two new trustees.
Susan Southwick, representing the nominating committee, explained that trustee Ron James chose not to run for an additional term and that trustee Wendell Turner was deceased. The Honorable Thomas Perkins, East Fork Township Justice of the Peace, was elected to fill Judge Turner’s position and Patricia Cafferata, to fill that of Ron James. The remaining candidates were incumbents and were re-confirmed for another three years in office.
Justice Gibbons announced that the Lincoln County plaque ceremony will be held in Panaca immediately following oral arguments of the Northern Panel of the Nevada Supreme Court on October 11. The Court has sent invitations of all local officials and the presentation will be made to the Lincoln County Commission at about 11:30 a.m. Susan Southwick said she would attend and represent the Society if Peter Smith was unable to do so. Patricia Cafferata said she would attend, also.
The plaque is in honor of Judge Berry, whose tenure preceded any actual courthouse, so the Commission will decide where best to place it.
Peter Smith then discussed the updated web page, which is part of the Supreme Court’s site, and the participation of Law Librarian Christine Timko and IT staffer Derek Hawkins in setting it up and establishing links. Ms. Timko also assisted in establishing the blog, which was created outside the Court’s aegis, and is intended to provide up-to-date information about Society events. He requested Board guidelines for adding material and for the blog’s management. Ms. Timko said she could make any additions or changes to the web page that were referred to her. After some general discussion, Mrs. Southwick recommended that the original committee of Peter Smith, Karen Baggett and herself take responsibility for the blog’s content and sharing the burdens of up-keep. The committee would also make recommendations for updates to the web site. Membership was urged to submit content and links suggestions to the committee for Society
Mr. Smith said he had already asked the Clark, Washoe and State Bars to link to the blog from their newsletters. Jeff Kintop noted that his agency had digitized the Territorial Supreme Court opinions and the case files of the Nevada Supreme Court to about 1900. He said he was still trying to develop a good means of searching them and that they were not accessible on line. Ms. Timko said a member of the Administrative Office of the Courts was making an original compilation of information on Nevada courts which could eventually be linked to the NJHS site when completed. Patricia Cafferata suggested a link to the Nevada On-Line Encyclopedia as a good source of judicial information, noting that she has an article on the Territorial justices there.
Under new business, Jim Smith passed around the self-published volume on Harry Claiborne by Bruce Alverson. The Society facilitated Mr. Alverson’s contact with Judge Claiborne, but the publication was not part of the Joint Oral History Project. He also noted a book review of another Claiborne title which appears in Nevada in the West: a magazine of popular history.
In answer to a query whether any of the medallions had been sold at face value, Justice Gibbons noted that the trigger price was $50/oz., and silver never quite reached that level.
Chairman Fondi suggested either September 14 or 21, 2012 for next annual meeting and the 14th was chosen. It was agreed that Sassafras was a good location if it could be arranged.
The meeting of the membership was adjourned at 1:40 and the chairman convened the meeting of the Board of Trustees.
The only item was election of the offices of chairman, treasurer and vice-chairman. Chairman Fondi and Treasurer Bloom were re-confirmed in office and Jeff Kintop was elected Vice-Chair by unanimous vote.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
___unsigned ___________
Susan Southwick, Secretary