Friday, March 5, 2021

September 2020 Minutes

As Offered for Adoption March 12, 2021

Annual Meeting of the Membership

of the

Nevada Judicial Historical Society Friday, September 11, 2020

Carson City, Nevada 

Held virtually via ZOOM

Members in attendance:  Justice Mark Gibbons, Peter Smith, Jim Smith, Jason Sowards, Patricia Cafferata, Hon. William Maddox, Terry Rankin, Justice Elissa Cadish, Susan Southwick, Jeff Kintop, Hon. Thomas Perkins, Karen Garaventa Baggett

Call to order at 12:05 p.m. – Peter J. Smith,  Chairman; a quorum of the membership was present

Approval of Minutes of Annual Meeting of September 6, 2019, as emailed

Motion to approve by Gibbons; seconded by Maddox; all in favor

Treasurer’s Report – Peter Smith on behalf of former Treasurer Janette Bloom

Motion to approve by Kintop; seconded by Cafferata; all in favor

Presentation of Annual Report for 2020 – Peter J. Smith, Chairman

Distributed for review, other than changing of officers. No business occurred in March because meeting was canceled due to COVID.

Project Progress Reports

Oral histories: printing/binding/reformatting of those on-line 

Sowards will check the minutes (likely within the last three years, motion likely made by Perkins) to identify who is to receive the printed oral histories.

Ten Cases exhibit – Jeff Kintop

There has not much movement on this project because of changes in administration, retirements of contacts, and limited access to the Capitol because of the COVID pandemic. Rankin noted that, despite so many major events having been canceled, some smaller events are still occurring, and the Ten Cases exhibit might be an option. It was also suggested Kintop write a brief article for the Nevada Appeal promoting the existence of the exhibit, even though no one can currently visit it in person.

Rankin mentioned how timely some of the early cases are now in light of recent world events. 

Sowards recommended a virtual exhibit to be hosted on the Nevada Supreme Court Library’s LibGuides platform to better promote the Ten Cases; could result in promotion by the Nevada Supreme Court’s public relations firm for broad distribution. Sowards will follow up with Kintop to acquire the Ten Cases content for transition to an online environment. 

Nomination of further interview subjects

Peter Smith reminded that there was already a lengthy list of proposed interview subjects circulated for past meetings. 

Discussion of hiring professional facilitators

Kintop has communicated with Alicia Barber who was willing to train people to do these interviews. Still need other assistance with transcriptions and editing.

Baggett expressed an interest in being trained to conduct oral history interviews.

Election of Trustees

Sowards distributed ballots via email in advance of the meeting for Trustee terms that were ending September 2020.

Most Trustees whose terms were set to expire in September 2020 agreed to run for a second three-year term. Southwick’s term expired and Peter Smith volunteered to take that vacant position. Justice Cadish was elected to fill Justice Gibbon’s position as the Supreme Court representative. Another vacant position remained and Cafferata nominated Judge Gloria Sturman of the Eighth Judicial District in Las Vegas for that position. She has both an interest and Nevada legal history as well as some geographical diversity to the Board. After brief discussion about Judge Sturman, Cafferata formally moved to add her to the ballot; Gibbons seconded. All in favor.

Based on completed ballots submitted in advance of the meeting, and the oral vote taken at the meeting for those who could not submit their ballot, all Trustees were elected for a term ending September 2023 without objection.

It was noted that the Society would offer Justice Gibbons and emeritus membership status. 

New Business

Cafferata recommended for inclusion on the March 2021 agenda that we invite all sitting judges to become members of the Society. If we choose to pursue this initiative, Justice Gibbons recommends using lists of judges already kept by the Administrative Office of the Courts. Recommendation that any contact occur after the forthcoming election.

Adjournment of Board of Trustees’ meeting

Motion to adjourn by Cafferata; seconded by Gibbons; all in favor

Adjourned 12:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jason R. Sowards

Secretary, Nevada Judicial Historical Society

Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees

of the

Nevada Judicial Historical Society Friday, September 11, 2020 

Carson City, Nevada

Held virtually via ZOOM

Members in attendance:  Justice Mark Gibbons, Peter Smith, Jim Smith, Jason Sowards, Patricia Cafferata, Hon. William Maddox, Terry Rankin, Justice Elissa Cadish, Susan Southwick, Jeff Kintop, Hon. Thomas Perkins, Karen Garaventa Baggett

Call to order at 12:40 p.m. – Peter J. Smith, Chairman; a quorum of Trustees was present

Minutes of the Board of Trustees meeting of March 20, 2020

While there was not a Trustees meeting on March 20, 2020, as it was canceled due to the COVID pandemic, as a point of order Justice Cadish recommended that the minutes of the previous Board meeting (September 2019) be approved by the Board.

Cafferata moved to approve those minutes; Gibbons seconded; all in favor

March and September 2021 meeting dates

March Board of Trustees Meeting – March 12, 2021

September Board of Trustees and Membership Meeting – September 10, 2021

Sowards will send invites to participate virtually in case in-person meetings are still not an option

Nomination and Election of Officers

Sowards distributed ballots electronically prior to the meeting, listing Kintop as candidate for Chair/President, Rankin as Vice Chair/Vice President, and Jason R. Sowards to continue as Secretary. The position of Treasurer became vacant with the Janette Bloom’s resignation.

A motion was made by the Hon. Thomas Perkins to nominate Karen Garaventa Baggett to serve as Treasurer, and Cafferata seconded the motion. All were in favor and Baggett was added to the ballot.

Based on completed ballots submitted in advance of the meeting and the oral vote taken at the meeting for those who could not submit their ballot, all officers were elected for a term ending September 2023 without any objections.

At this point, Peter Smith virtually passed the gavel to Jeff Kintop as the Society’s next Chair/President.

New Business

Peter Smith also recommended further discussion on handling our current inventory of silver medallions, recommending Project Real as a nonprofit with which to partner. Rankin also recommended “We the People” program (currently operated by the Nevada Center for Civic Engagement), with which Justice Cadish is actively involved. Peter Smith asks that board members think of other worthy organizations for the March 2021 meeting. 

Cafferata mentioned the Russ McDonald Papers with the Historical Society as a project we should consider further. 

It was further recommended that we look at the early Supreme Court records currently held at the Nevada State Library & Archives as the foundation of future projects. 


Thanks were made by Justice Gibbons and Jeff Kintop to Peter Smith for his service as Chair/President over the past several years. 

Peter Smith moved to adjourn; Cafferata seconded; all in favor

Meeting adjourned at 1:02 p.m.

Jason R. Sowards

Secretary, Nevada Judicial Historical Society

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Agendas September 6, 2019

Annual Meeting of the Membership
of the
Nevada Judicial Historical Society
Friday, September 6, 2019
Red’s Old 395 Grill
1055 S. Carson St.
Carson City, Nevada

Lunch from menu.   Please R.S.V.P. to Jason Sowards  775 684 1640

I. Call to order –Peter J. Smith,  Chairman
II. Approval of Minutes of Annual Meeting of September 21, 2018, as mailed
III. Treasurer’s Report – Janette Bloom, Treasurer
IV. Presentation of Annual Report for 2019 – Peter J. Smith, Chairman (hand-out only)
V. Project Progress Reports:
a. Oral histories: printing/binding/reformatting of those on-line 
Final version for John  Mendoza – Victoria Mendoza
Assignment to duties to expedite publication
b. Ten Cases exhibit – Jeff Kintop
c.  Nomination of further interview subjects
           d.  Discussion of hiring professional facilitators
e.  Status report re 9th Circuit Communications

VI. Election of trustees vacancy of Dennis Meyers, deceased, and any other vacancy
V. New Business
VI. Adjournment to Board of Trustees meeting

Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees
of the
Nevada Judicial Historical Society
Friday, September 6, 2019
Carson City, Nevada

I. Call to order – Peter J. Smith, Chairman
II. Approval of the Minutes of the Board of Trustees meeting of March 22, 2019, as mailed
III. Set date for March Board meeting, 2020 and September Membership meeting
IV. Nomination and election of  Officers for any vacancies
V. New Business
VI. Adjournment


September 2019 Annual Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Membership
The Nevada Judicial Historical Society
September 21, 2018
Red’s 395 Grill
Carson City, Nevada

I. Call to Order – Jeffrey Kintop, Vice Chairman
The meeting was called to order by Vice Chairman Jeff Kintop at 12:46 pm.  Present were paid members Jeff Kintop, Jason Sowards, Susan Southwick, Janette Bloom, Terry Rankin, Dennis Myers, Clinton Case, Patricia Cafferata, Don Klasic, Karen Baggett, Justice Mark Gibbons, and Bill Maddox. A quorum was met. Also in attendance were Susan Southwick’s husband, and Jeff Kintop’s wife.

II. Approval of Minutes of September 15, 2017, as mailed
Justice Mark Gibbons moved to approve the minutes of the September 15, 2017 annual membership meeting, Susan Southwick seconded. All in favor.

III. Treasurer’s Report- Janette Bloom, Treasurer
Copies of the Treasurer’s report were available at the meeting, with finances current through December 31, 2017.
Money was spent with Judge Fondi’s plaque as well as the printing of a few oral histories. Two medallions were sold. Someone asked how many medallions the Society still has, but no definitive count was provided.
The question of dues notices came up, but they had not yet been distributed. The Secretary did not realize it was his responsibility to send those out, but stated he would do so. Some members chose to pay at the meeting.
Dennis Myers moved to accept; Karen Baggett seconded. All in favor to approve the Treasurer’s report.

IV. Presentation of Annual Report for 2018 – Vice Chairman Jeffrey Kintop for Chairman Peter Smith
Jeff Kintop read Peter Smith’s report, copies of which were available at the meeting. The one blank existing on the report were the number of paid memberships to date as confirmed by the Treasurer’s report, and that number was stated to be twelve (12) paid memberships.
The projects discussed were:
Joint Oral History Project
10 Cases Exhibit
Website and Blog
The annual report noted that a trustee seat need would need to be filled as the seat vacated by Christine Timko that was later filled by Teresa Rankin by appointment, would become vacant in September 2018. The annual report noted that this term would run through 2020, but Susan Southwick recalled that the Society’s bylaws state that trustee terms are for three years and are supposed to be staggered. As such, this would make the term for this trustee seat to run through 2021, not 2020.
A motion was made by Dennis Myers to accept the annual report (with typographical errors and other changes to be made later); Patricia Cafferata seconded. All in favor.

V. Project Progress Reports
A. Oral Histories
Peter has a concern, expressed by Terry Rankin, that we have missed a generation of judges and that we do not have a list to start another round of histories. He thought some of the Justices of the Peace might also be worthy of consideration for a history. The thought is that we do not have anyone “current” to pursue for future histories.
The person at UNR who took care of the oral histories, Alicia Barber, is no longer with the University. Her expertise would be beneficial in training others to complete oral histories as they are very complicated to do. Jeff Kintop mentioned he knew how to contact Barber and he would reach out to her.
It was suggested that we work with Brad Williams, Director of the Ninth Circuit Judicial Historical Society. He has done oral histories as well, and we may be able to make use of some his contacts and resources.
Discussion of whether a history had been completed for Judge Bybee.
It was agreed that we need a new list of judges to pursue and names should be suggested to Peter. The goal was for each member to submit three names of possible interviews to Peter by November 1, 2018. 
Motion to submit up to five names for future oral histories to Peter Smith by November 1, 2018 was made by Karen Baggett; Clinton Case seconded. All in favor.
Janette Bloom stated Victoria Mendoza says she has made progress on Judge Mendoza’s history.
B. Ten Cases Exhibit
Jeff stated that late October or early November for an event at which the Governor would attend. He would look into the Governor’s availability.
C. Nomination of Further Interview Subjects
This was addressed as part of the oral history discussion.
D. Discussion of Hiring Professional Facilitators
Jeff plans to talk to Brad Williams and Alicia Barber about this.

VI. Election of Trustees
Susan Southwick nominated Teresa Rankin to serve as Trustee through 2021; Janette Bloom seconded. All in favor.
VII. New Business
The only new business that was announced was the selection a date for the March 2019 Board of Directors meeting. The date and time will be March 22, 2019 (a Friday).
VIII. Adjournment
The meeting of the membership adjourned at 1:17 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Jason R. Sowards

March 2019 Minutes

Minutes of the 2019 Semi Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees
The Nevada Judicial Historical Society
Friday, March 22, 2019
Red’s 395 Grill
Carson City, Nevada

I. Call to Order – Peter J. Smith, Chairman
  • The meeting was called to order by Chairman Smith shortly after noon. Present were paid members Jeff Kintop, Chief Justice Mark Gibbons, Peter Smith, Jason Sowards, Jim Smith, Dennis Myers, Terri Rankin, Karen Baggett, Jannette Bloom, Susan Southwick, and Patricia Caffaretta. Also in attendance to report on an oral history was Victoria Mendoza.
II. Approval of Minutes of Annual Meeting of Board (September 21, 2018)
  • No comments or corrections for the minutes. Chief Justice Mark Gibbons moved to approve the minutes; Susan Southwick seconded. All in favor. 
III. Treasurer’s Report – Jannette Bloom
  • Treasurers report current through December 31, 2018. Membership dues did not come in until 2019, when they would ordinarily come in in 2018. But overall, the Society still has more money than before with no expenses.
  • Motion to approve the Treasurer’s report was made by Dennis Myers; Terri Rankin seconded. All in favor.
IV. Medallions
  • Susan Southwick brought up the issue of the medallions, specifically regarding the inventory. Clint Case bought two complete sets last year, reflected income. And someone from Illinois bought two separate medallions. This issue was also brought up during the membership meeting in the fall. 
  • Peter suggested we lower the sales price for the medallions until the price of silver increases. Chief Justice Gibbons purchased one of the 2003 medallions for $25 (down from the current price of $35). Peter calculated the inventory to be 349 medallions plus the complete set remaining (354 total).
  • Peter asked if anyone wanted to make a motion to lower the price of the medallions because they aren’t selling at all at the current price of $35. Susan said that it cost approximately $25 to make the medallions so we should not sell them below that cost; Peter agreed. Susan Southwick moved to change the sales price to $25 each for the medallions; Chief Justice Gibbons seconded; all in favor.
  • Peter then asked if anyone wanted to take on marketing the sale of the remaining medallions. The Legislature gift shot was suggested, but apparently this venue had been pursued before with a high commission and was generally a hassle to deal with. There was a suggestion to market to the new district court judges. Chief Justice Gibbons said he would look into giving the medallions as retirement gifts (where the funding would come from to do so). 
V. Reports on Pending Matters
  1. John Mendoza’s Oral History
  • Victoria Menodoza told stories about her father. There was discussion about adding an introduction/foreword/addendum incorporating the stories/background she offered about her father that are not included in the oral history.
  • Victoria completed the editing of the oral history. The next step is to get those editorial changes into the transcript, then index, and then an introduction. 
  • Discussion was made about getting data off a 3.5” floppy drive to a flash drive. Jannette Bloom agreed to incorporate the changes and create the index. Peter agreed to get the content from the floppy drive transferred to a usable format.
  • The transcripts came from UNLV. As such, they are joint owners on this oral history, so when the title page and introduction are completed, they will need to be given some form of attribution. 
  • There was also discussion about Judge Mendoza memorabilia and where might be the best place to donate it. 
  1. Final Edits and Indexing of Oral Histories; Printers’ Services
  • Jannette Bloom reported on page count for all outstanding oral histories; Claiborne’s history is the only one that hasn’t been indexed because it’s in excess of 600 pages. 
  • Peter Smith inquired about the “edition” information for the oral histories. Our books are known as the second edition; the transcripts are considered the first edition. Our versions are different because of reformatting, pagination, and indexing.
  • Jannette recommends reprinting the histories one more time as the page counts are as final as they are going to be (excluding Claiborne history). Karen Baggett moved to approve a second printing; Jeff Kintop seconded; all in favor. 
  • Susan Southwick also recommended that for future oral histories, we pursue on-demand publishing so that we do not have an inventory of books.
  • Peter asked if this could be completed by September. Claiborne seems to be the only possible history that cannot be completed. The consensus is that September is a reasonable date to have the other histories completed.
  1. 10 Cases Exhibit
    • An ongoing project. Peter inquired whether there remains a need to have a celebration for the exhibit. We still have CDs and brochures for the 10 Cases; Jeff Kintop recommended we get rid of our stock of these items as part of any celebration that is ultimately planned. The thought is that something would happen during the legislative session, probably May. 
    • Jeff Kintop asked that it be placed in the minutes that he would actively work toward setting up an event for the 10 Cases exhibit. He said he would work with Peter Barton for more information. Peter Smith mentioned we have money to assist with any event. 
  1. Oral History Prospects and Methodologies
    • Jeff Kintop asked that it be placed in the minutes that he would complete the edits of Judge Fondi’s oral history. 
    • There was discussion as to whether the Fondi history would work better as an article or something else as it’s not consistent with the other oral histories. 
    • Jeff Kintop inquired how much money we still have with the Ninth Circuit Judicial Historical Society. Whatever money we have has not been spent. Allegedly, Brad with the 9th Circuit stated that transcriptionists would be available to help with histories. 
    • Also discussed the priority for the next round of histories. One suggestion was Justice of the Peace John Tatro because a JP has never been the basis of a history and his history with a drug diversion program. Also suggested was Judge Bybee as author of “the torture memo.” 
VI. New Business
  • The next Board and Membership meeting was set for Friday, September 6, 2019.
VII. Adjournment
  • The meeting was adjourned at 1:50 p.m.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Agendas, Membership and Board Meeting September 2018

Annual Meeting of the Membership
of the
Nevada Judicial Historical Society
Friday, September 21, 2018
Red’s Old 395 Grill
1055 S. Carson St.
Carson City, Nevada

Lunch from menu.   Please R.S.V.P. to Jason Sowards  775 684 1640

I. Call to order –Jeffrey Kintop, Vice Chairman
II. Approval of Minutes of Annual Meeting of September 15, 2017, as mailed
III. Treasurer’s Report – Janette Bloom, Treasurer
IV. Presentation of Annual Report for 2018 – Jeffrey Kintop, Vice Chairman (hand-out only)
V. Project Progress Reports:
a. Oral histories: printing/binding/reformatting of those on-line - Janette Bloom;
John  Mendoza – Victoria Mendoza
Atkins and Reed - Robert Johnston
     Assignment to duties to expedite publication
b. Ten Cases exhibit – Jeff Kintop
c.  Nomination of further interview subjects
           d.  Discussion of hiring professional facilitators

VI. Election of trustees, Teresa Rankin is finishing Timko’s term, this position needs to be                filled for 2018-2020
V. New Business
VI. Adjournment to Board of Trustees meeting

Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees
of the
Nevada Judicial Historical Society
Friday, September 21, 2018
Carson City, Nevada

I. Call to order – Jeffrey Kintop, Vice Chairman
II. Approval of the Minutes of the Board of Trustees meeting of March 9, 2018, as mailed
III. Set date for March Board meeting, 2019
IV. Nomination and election of Secretary for 2018-2020.  J. Soward filled the last year of            S. Southwick’s former term
V. New Business
VI. Adjournment


March 2018 Board Minutes

Minutes of the March 9, 2018 Meeting of the Board of Trustees

of the 

Nevada Judicial Historical Society

Chairman Peter Smith called the meeting to order at 12:15 P.M.  The meeting was held at Red’s 395 in Carson City, Nevada.  Present were the Treasurer, Janette Bloom; trustees Justice Gibbons, Dennis Myers, Terry Rankin, Judge Tom Perkins, Patty Cafferata, Karen Baggett and Jeff Kintop and member Susan Southwick.  There was a quorum to conduct business.

Both Minutes from the September 15, 2017 meeting and annual meeting were approved with no objections by motion made by Justice Gibbons and seconded by Karen Baggett.

Treasurer Janette Bloom stated she had completed and filed the Federal Tax Return by e-postcard for the non-profit Society.  She submitted a copy of the current funds ($6,900.95) available to the Society (attached).  She stated the bank account signature cards have been updated with signatures by herself, Peter Smith and Jason Sowards. Changes in the Nevada Revised Statutes free the Society from obtaining a business license and when medallions are sold, sales tax does not need to be charged.  Janette Bloom, Peter J. Smith and Susan Southwick counted the medallions and subsequently amended the report given to the membership. (See: Addendum to Minutes). Ms. Bloom’s treasurer report was approved at the meeting by motion made by Dennis Myers and seconded by Justice Gibbons.

Pending matters were discussed, including the editing of oral histories.  Janette Bloom and Jason Sowards are confirmed for this task.  For Judge Mendoza’s history, it is about 75 percent edited and Peter Smith has the copy.  Susan Southwick agreed to act as a typist to complete the corrections made by Vicki Mendoza.  The history is about 80 pages long and also needs to be indexed.  Susan Southwick also agreed to complete that index. 

Jeff Kintop reported that five histories are ready to go to the binder at the Nevada State Prison.  Janette Bloom agreed to submit the copies to Jeff for binding.  Binding costs of $1,100 have previously been estimated and agreed to by Jeff Kintop, Peter Smith, Janette Bloom and Karen Baggett. The costs are within the Society’s budget and Patty Cafferata moved to approve them which was seconded by Karen Baggett. Judge Johnson notified Peter Smith that he has edited a couple of histories which are also ready to go to binding.

There was no new business.  Peter Smith asked about a contact person to update the website for the Society on the Supreme Court’s page.  Justice Gibbons volunteered Jason Sowards, the Supreme Court’s Law Librarian, to make those corrections.

After lunch, at 1:25 P.M. Justice Gibbons moved to adjourn the meeting and Dennis Myers seconded that motion.       

Minutes submitted by Terry Rankin

Subsequent to the Meeting in March 2018, Ms. Bloom and Ms. Southwick were able to retrieve several sets of medallions held at the Court for sale, compare past sales and update the number of medallions. 

The final Count includes the following:

For 2000, zero
For 2003, 80
For 2004, 128
For 2005, 143

For a total of 351 medallions plus 2 sets of 5 each (in display cases).  For those 2 sets, one is on display in the Nevada Supreme Court Law Library and one is with Ms. Southwick.

Updated by Terry Rankin, April 2018

Update by Peter J. Smith:  One set of 5 and three loose coins in the possession of Peter J. Smith, 366 total medallions

September 2017 Annual Membership Meeting

Minutes of the 2017 Annual Meeting of the Membership
The Nevada Judicial Historical Society
September 15, 2017
Carson City, Nevada

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Peter Smith at 12:10 p.m.  Present were paid members Susan Southwick, Karen Baggett, Terry Rankin, The Honorable Thomas Perkins, Donald Klasic, Dennis Myers, as well as Peter Smith, constituting a quorum.  Also present were The Honorable Mark Gibbons, Jason Sowards, Janette Bloom, The Honorable Robert Johnston and Don Southwick, guest.

The Chairman then made a brief introduction of new member Jason Sowards.  Justice Gibbons further introduced Mr. Sowards as the recently appointed Supreme Court Law Librarian, noting that he had a law degree from Brandeis University and that he had come to the court from Vanderbilt University.

The minutes of the 2016 annual meeting were approved as mailed.  Myers/Gibbons.

Treasurer Janette Bloom noted that the balance as of August 31 was reduced from the 2016 balance of $7,623.39 to $6,390.95.  Total receipts came from dues and one donation, while large expenditures were made for Judge Fondi’s commemorative plaque, expenses relating to reformatting several oral histories from digital to print (including printing and binding costs), and significant postage and supplies expenses required to distribute the King’s Court book to Justice and Municipal courts.  She also put forth a budget projection for 2018 for receipts and expenditures anticipated, as well as an approximation of the value of other assets.  Susan Southwick said she thought there were more medallions than reported.  She and Ms. Bloom agreed to do a count.
Myers moved to approve, Klasic seconded; report approved.

Chairman Smith then handed out the 2017 Annual Report, saying the major points would be covered under the projects reports portion of the agenda.
He noted that the reformatting of the oral histories in digital form on UNR’s Special collections library to octavo print form was largely completed, with most of the histories also indexed for reprinting and binding.  Some large ones, like Claiborne are still in progress, but most are close to having an accurate page count to calculate publishing costs.
Robert Johnston asked about the “confidential pages” that had been withheld from the original publication of Justice Young’s history. Susan Southwick said that she had maintained them in her position as Law Librarian, but couldn’t remember exactly where they had been filed; she said she would assist Jason Sowards in locating them, but that their publication was contingent on the deaths of individuals who were still living.
Judge Johnston said he was working on completing histories of federal magistrate Phyllis Halsey Atkins and federal district judge Ed Reed and that he had obtained releases from the families of both.  He wondered how to get them published and Peter Smith said that with minimal editing and introductions, they could go on-line at the UNR Special Collections site.  Judge Johnston said he also has the original tape recordings and it was suggested that those could be offered to the Special Collections Library to back up the digital versions.

As Jeff Kintop was not present to report on the 10 Cases exhibit, Peter Smith said he would like the Society to sponsor a reception in the Old Supreme Court Chambers in the Capitol to celebrate its re-opening.  Earlier exploration had revealed that no food or drink was allowed there, so he would explore alternatives.

Janette Bloom reported that there was a good turn-out on April 7 for the dedication of Judge Fondi’s plaque at the Carson City Courthouse.  Many of the judge’s family were present, as were members of the local bar and members of the Judicial Historical Society.

Susan Southwick reported that a majority of the membership returned ballots re-electing the incumbents to additional 3-year terms.

Under New Business, Janette Bloom noted that bank account signatures need to be updated.
There being no further business, Gibbons moved for adjournment, Baggett seconding.  The meeting was adjourned at 12:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted:
Susan Southwick, SecretaryAnnual

Susan Southwick, Acting Secretary