Monday, July 8, 2013

Next Meeting of the Board will be September 20, 2013, in Carson City.  Details to be posted.

Minutes from March, 2013, unsigned, as follows:

Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees

of the

Nevada Judicial Historical Society
March 15, 2013
Carson City, Nevada

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Michael Fondi and 12:20 at the Sassafras Restaurant.
Present were trustees Don Klasic, The Honorable Tom Perkins, Peter Smith, Patricia Cafferata, Dennis Myers, Clint Case, The Honorable Mark Gibbons, Jeff Kintop, Jim Smith, Susan Southwick, Secretary and (later) Janette Bloom, Treasurer.  Also present were members Christine Timko and Karen Baggett and guest, Don Southwick.

Patricia Cooper-Smith, on contact as editor/copywriter for the Joint Oral History Project, gave a status report.  She has been copy editing each transcript for inconsistencies and chronology, has done grammar checks and prepared tables of contents for the longer histories.  She has also written a preface for each and prepared a catalog entry for access.  The introductions are mostly completed: Breen, Batjer, Daykin and Herb Jones. Bruce Thompson, McKibben, Claiborne and Reed are almost finished, while Robert Johnston is attempting to obtain a release for Judge Reed’s interview.  There is an interview with Phyllis Atkins which has a release, although Magistrate Atkins was not part of the Joint Project.   Perkins moved and Jim Smith seconded a motion to include the Atkins history if Robert Johnston consents and there are funds remaining.

Cooper-Smith also noted that Alicia Barber, the UNOHP representative, will be leaving on May 20 and that a new oversight organization is needed within the university, since the History Department no longer wants to include oral history.  Prof. Barber has indicated she will contact the director of the Special Collections Dept. to see if they will mentor the remainder of the Joint Project.

Treasurer Janette Bloom reported a current balance of $6,175.50.  Moved to approve (Myers/Cafferata).

Peter Smith reported that Justice Hardesty, now head of the Supreme Court’s Northern Panel, would like to present a plaque for the first judge of either Lyon or Mineral County.  Research indicates that Mineral is very complex, but that Lyon was one of the original territorial counties and a plaque similar to that done for Washoe would be easy to word.  The first judge for Lyon was Justice Horatio Jones in 1861.  Mr. Smith said the plaque would cost $337.00.  Cafferata moved, Klasic seconded a motion to approve the expenditure.

Justice Hardesty will arrange with Lyon County Schools to host the presentation to coincide with oral arguments in Yerington between November 13 and 15.  Details will be added at the annual meeting in September.

Jeff Kintop reported that Governor Sandoval had come across the 10 Cases audio exhibit in the Old Supreme Court Chambers in the Capitol and was concerned that it was non-functional.  Mr. Kintop said that technology has vastly improved since the original exhibit was set up and that he believes it can be updated to last another ten years with an expenditure of about $2,000.  He suggested aiming for Nevada Day, when the 150th Anniversary of the State of Nevada kicks off; Jim Smith suggested maybe a second copy could be included in the travelling exhibit at not much extra cost.  Dennis Myers moved and Peter Smith seconded a motion to approve $2,000 for the renovation of the exhibit.

Under new business, Susan Southwick asked whether there was interest in contributing to the restoration of the Nye County Courthouse in Belmont.  She noted that the State was in the process of deeding the historic building to Nye County and that there was a private organization collecting funds to repair it and make it accessible to the public.  It was generally agreed that this was a worthy project and that Ms. Southwick would explore it further and provide information at the Annual Meeting.

Patricia Cafferata noted she was on the 150th Anniversary Committee.  She said there would be a mobile museum and 150 events offered over the course of the celebration and that the Society should try to be included.

Christine Timko said the Supreme Court is digitizing the memorials for deceased justices that have been published in the Nevada Reports.  She would like them linked to the Society’s web page.  Jeff Kintop said the Archives has the memorials in HTML searchable files, but has no photos accompanying them; he thought they could be scanned from the Nevada Reports.  Janette Bloom said that memorials are current to date.

Jim Smith suggested requesting that the State Bar include a place to make donations to the Society on its membership renewal form.  Judge Fondi said he would broach the subject to Frank Flaherty, who is currently on the Board of Governors.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:25.

Respectfully submitted:

______________________Draft for approval, unsigned________________________________
Susan Southwick, Secretary