Thursday, March 7, 2013

Meeting of the Board of Trustees 

of the

Nevada Judicial Historical Society

Noon – 2:00

Friday, March 15, 2013

Sassafras Restaurant
318 N. Carson St.
Carson City, Nevada

Lunch will be from the menu (not fixed items/price) and in the small front room facing Carson St.; Please  r.s.v.p. to so the room can be set up to accommodate us.

I. Call to Order – Michael Fondi, Chairman

II. Approval of Minutes of the Board of Trustees, September 14, 2012

III. Treasurer’s Report –Janette Bloom, Treasurer

IV. Report on Joint Oral History Project  - Patricia Cooper-Smith, project editor

V. Report on Lyon/Mineral courthouse plaque ceremony; plaque approval, date – Peter Smith

VI. Report on Updating Ten Cases Exhibit in Capitol; approval of expenditure – Jeff Kintop

VII. New Business

VIII. Adjournment

Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the

Membership and the Board of Trustees

of the

Nevada Judicial Historical Society

September 14, 2012
Carson City, Nevada

Chairman Michael Fondi called the annual meeting to order at 12:25.  Present were trustees Peter Smith, Tom Perkins, Susan Southwick, Janette Bloom, Dennis Myers, Karen Baggett, Patricia Cafferata and Justice Mark Gibbons; Jim Smith arrived later.  Also present were members Christine Timko and Brad Williams, and guest Lynn Bremer.

The minutes of the Annual Meeting of September 16, 2011 were approved as mailed.  (Gibbons/Myers)

Janette Bloom presented the Treasurer’s 3d Quarter Report.  The balance for the period 9/1/11 through 8/31/12 was $5,787.77.  As of 9/14/12, the balance was $5,763.40, excluding dues just received.  The report was approved. (Smith/Gibbons)

Chairman Fondi  then reviewed the Annual Report, which is attached to the minutes.

Susan Southwick reported that trustees Michael Bowers, Michael Fondi,  Jeff Kintop, Don Klasic, Peter Smith, Karen Baggett and herself  were approved for terms ending September 2015.

Brad Williams reported on his part of the Joint Oral History Project, saying he had received tentative approvals for several of the large transcripts; most were being reviewed by the narrators or their representatives before being formalized.  These include Judges Brunetti, Hug, Reed, Atkins and McKibben.  The raw transcripts still need to be edited before being put on-line, and apparently Alicia Barber wasn’t able to do it over the summer as she had planned.  Brad and Alicia will provide a scope of the editing required to Patricia Cooper-Smith by September 27, and Brad will then submit a proposal to the Ad Hoc Committee to consider hiring Ms. Cooper-Smith.

Peter Smith reported on the Society’s web-site and blog.  He corrected the statement in the annual report that Patricia Cafferata’s articles, written for the Stat Bar journal, were actually on the blog.  He has them, but they are in PDF format and he doesn’t know how to add them to the blog.  Karen Baggett and Christine Timko offered to help with the technicalities.  He noted that many hits to the blog came from Eastern Europe.

Under New Business, Justice Gibbons recommended Hawthorne and the 5th Judicial District and Yerington and the 3d Judicial District as potential sites for new plaques.  Peter Smith said that there were no plaques currently in the pipeline and that he and Jeff Kintop would have to look into the complexities of each to see if they could easily characterized with a “first.”

Jim Smith stated he thought the memorials from the Supreme Court Reports should be on-line and searchable.  Susan Southwick said she thought she recalled that the Archives had the texts on-line, but not in a searchable format.  Justice Gibbons and Christine Timko said they would talk to the Court Clerk about making them searchable.  Ms. Southwick said that West Publishing did not make any of the federal or state memorials available in its on-line publications and that one must do a manual search of the print volumes to find them.

The date for the 2013 Annual Meeting was set for September 20.

There being no further membership business, Chairman Fondi adjourned the Annual Meeting at 1:20.

He then called the Board of Trustees to order.

The corrected minutes of the Board meeting of March 16, 2012 were approved.  (Myers/Gibbons)

The minutes of the June 15, 2012 Board meeting were approved. (Baggett/Smith)

Justice Gibbons moved to re-elect Susan Southwick as Secretary; the motion was seconded by Patricia Cafferata.  Approved.

Susan Southwick added an item to the agenda at the request of Treasurer  Janette Bloom, who had left the meeting.  The Citigroup stock of 49 shares had been split into virtual worthlessness, and Ms Bloom felt it was best to just sell it; she required a letter of authorization from the Board to do so.  Mark Gibbons moved to approve the letter and Patricia Cafferata seconded.  Approved.

The next Board meeting was set for March 15, 2013.

Chairman Fondi adjourned the meeting at 1:25.

Respectfully submitted:

Susan Southwick, Secretary